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Creación: 08/11/2010 09:19
Actualizar: 17/01/2011 02:27
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binbinlin2010 :: welcome come

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bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif Artículo: Are You Caught? - 22/11/2010 02:44

Emotions are more than feelings — just like a cold is more than a runny nose and sneezing. There is physiology behind a cold and behind emotions. Wholesale Handbags

We all have emotions. Yet, we don’t need to be allergic or fearful of them. I think we will continue spreading and catching some of our emotions. Yet, when we become more aware of how they are spread, we find we have more choices.Cheap Jordans

It’s your turn. I’d like to hear your perspective. When do you let others stew in their own emotions? Share how you stay near intense emotions without catching them. Designer Handbags

bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif Artículo: Check It With Yourself - 22/11/2010 02:49

How do we “know” it isn’t right? This is the kind of experience that is well known to artists, the poet looking for the right word in a poem, the artist looking for the right colour, or form. This kind of inward checking feels like searching for resonance — against something in us which knows, not the whole situation, but what the next step has to be. If we get the next bit right, we can feel a kind of inside surface resonating, a physical sense of rightness, like when you suddenly catch your balance after wobbling around for a while on a narrow ledge.Wholesale Handbags

In my work as a therapist I have found again and again that a major problem for many people (arising for a variety of reasons) is a lack of contact with this process. it is a common complaint, that people say they are just not sure how to make a decision, how to know what they really think, or feel, what they really want to do. it is as though they look inside and try to check if something fits or not, but they just can’t find the surface which might resonate. If this is how things are for you, then using the focusing steps, and making a habit of it, can be very effective — and step one, “clearing a space”, is probably vital.Designer Handbags

This kind of ‘resonating’ can be done all the time, whether actually doing the focusing procedure or not. When you are deciding what to buy in a shop, what to add to the meal you are cooking, or whatever you are doing that involves a decision, you can try to check somewhere in the middle of your body, where you get emotional reactions to things, and see if it “rings true”. Does it respond “yes, that’s it” or is there a murmur of disquiet that needs to be settled by an adjustment in your choice? Sometimes when we get overwhelmed by some kind of stress we find it hard to know what we actually like or dislike, we lose a sense of direct contact with things. This is a conscious way in which we can practise, like exercising a little used muscle until it works better.Cheap Jordans

bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif Artículo: Body processes - 25/11/2010 05:02

It is a gland located in the head just below the brain. It is regulated by different body processes and it is released throughout life. During childhood and in the early twenties, this kind of hormone is responsible for growth regulation. However, when growth is complete at the age of 21, the pituitary gland automatically decreases the amount of natural human growth hormone that it releases in the blood stream. Aside from the regulation of growth, this hormone is also very important to the body of a normal individual. This hormone is always present in the blood and it controls different metabolic and body processes. Designer Handbags

Researchers found out that the drop in these hormones are related to different physical changes that are associated with aging. It includes increased fat storage, decreased muscle size and strength, lower energy levels and high risks of developing heart problems, diabetes and osteoporosis. Cheap Jordans

When HGH therapy began, it was only used to children that has stopped growing because of a deficiency in the hormone. During those times, natural human growth hormones were harvested from the human pituitary glands and used for HGH injections. However, they found out that HGH injections are very risky which also includes the practice of getting it from humans. It only means that HGH injections today do not contain natural HGH but contains synthetic HGH. Wholesale Handbags

bandu2 : menu_arrow.gif Artículo: Fast paced Stair climbing - 01/12/2010 03:12

This has recently become a favorite of mine, maybe because I've moved to an apartment on the 10th floor. I climb the stairs from the ground floor to my apartment, take the elevator down, and climb again. Designer Handbags

If you go fast and try to climb the stairs two at a time at least part of the way, you will find that this quickly tires your out and your legs will feel the strain and effort of the workout. I highly recommend stair climbing. Anyone who lives in a building should try it. Cheap Jordans

You may have heard that cardio is the best way to burn body flab, you may have also heard that cardio is way overrated. The truth is somewhere in the middle. The way many people do cardio is ineffective and the workouts they do are not those that will give them the best results. Wholesale Handbags